Jonathan Brònico


I have always loved a good story. Ever since I was a little kid, I would let my imagination run wild, inventing all sorts of characters and adventures. I could keep myself busy for hours, and the only things I required were an empty room and my imagination.
Not much has changed. I do significantly less running around (although it's not uncommon for me to pace), but I haven't outgrown my imagination or let that part of myself grow up. Instead, I've made the decision to share the labors of my imagination with others, be that through short stories, novels, or screenplays.
It has been a long road, but I've recently finished my third manuscript, and I constantly labor over shorter pieces as well. But regardless of which of those pieces see the pages of a book, it's impossible to remove writing from my life. It's something I'll always return to.
Thank you for joining me in my journey.