Website Update: Photos... Okay: Photo
I had an interesting first-time experience a few day ago. It will probably shock some of you that I recently bought a digital camera for the first time. WHile some of you are gasping, I'll take a moment to explain. I never really considered myself a "picture person." Do I enjoy appreciating beauty? Yes. Do I enjoy recalling fond memories? Yes. Do I need a camera to do any of this? No. However, one of my goals is to create a YouTube Channel (more on that on a later date) where I can talk about my work and writing and such. Do I need a camera for that? Yes. So, I bought a camera and took this photo:

Despite my lack of experience owning a camera, I'm not bad at using them. I MacGyvered some cheap lighting equipment for $25 at Wal-Mart, threw a blanket behind me, and kept shooting until I got something that I liked. That last point was harder than it might seem, because I'm not terribly photogenic, but all-in-all, the results aren't bad for a DIY job.
If anyone is curious about the book I'm holding, it's my copy of Rob Roy. It's the oldest book in my antique book collection (I'll have to blog about that on a later date), printed around 1829. I chose this book not only for its age, but also because of its subject matter. Rob Roy was an actual figure in Scottish history, and he was the most famous member of the clan Gregor. If that name sounds familiar, that's because that's where the name MacGregor comes from. I couldn't pass up the chance for a historical and literary tie-in to my photoshoot.
Keep checking the blog and/or my Twitter account for updates. I plan on taking a few more photos to spruce up the website. Let's see how creative I can get.